Location: La Jolla, CA + Worldwide
In my 30 years of experience, I have learned there are no shortcuts. However I know, there are many useful tools that can help achieve the wellbeing women desire.
What is Dynamic Wellbeing?
It's a knowing and a longing to have a system that supports the whole beautiful being that is YOU. It is not just about just beauty, energy, and diet but ALL of your wellbeing, inside and out, physically, spiritually, and beyond. Dynamic wellbeing is about looking good, feeling good, moving good, and continually blossoming into the divine flower YOU are. Life is not stagnant, and neither is your growth. There is no place to reach; keep shedding your old petals and replace them with the new, fresh, and a more dynamic, enlivened YOU!

I Believe...
I believe in the interconnectedness between health and happiness; the place where I help women reveal what foods and habits sabotage their happiness and which will help them achieve it… and trust me I know the difference! I believe we are better together! And if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no from me. I believe healthy is the new happy and happy is the new pretty.

You Can Find Me...
Journaling, reading, interviewing the most epic humans on earth, speaking on stages, cooking yummy food, dancing, singing (badly) and most of the time country, or taking a walk with a girlfriend. I might not be the “fun” girl in the room but I am a girl that you can trust with your deepest secrets and I pride myself on being a good listener and I try to give sound advice when asked.

I’m Not About...
Undermining self-talk, inauthenticity gossip, sweeping things under the rug, long emails (I am a straight to the point type of gal), not taking responsibility for my actions, rushing through life, and wearing uncomfortable clothes.

Daily Rituals...
Self Kindness ALWAYS. Meditation and mindfulness, morning gratitude for my heart and uniqueness, hot yoga, ocean swims, feet in the sand at the beach or grass for grounding, nourishing food - a lot of green things, taking in fresh air and sunshine, and wearing anything that has fringe or that is furry!
My Wellbeing Journey
As far back as I can remember, I’ve known I’d make a difference in this world…
A feeling gnawing in my gut. A feeling that would never wane unless I found the courage to uncover my true passion, my true essence, my seed, and blossom. A constant desire to step outside of my lowest self-image, reaching for my highest calling. As life played out propelled by a perfect storm crashing down upon me. Crushing what was never me and simultaneously lifting me to a place where I could truly love myself.
When the storm finally cleared, finding myself at the age of seventeen, gaining 30 pounds seemingly overnight.
Depression quickly consumed me, surrounding every part of my life. All the while continuing to double down on my poor health decisions. Before turning nineteen gaining another 37 pounds. The binge eating and depression were taking their toll. Feeling desperate, having no choice but to face the face of who I really was. My self-image was at stake. The fear of living the rest of my life unhealthy and vulnerable was my wake-up call.
Deciding at the age of twenty to change my eating habits, the way I exercised, the way I cared about who I was inside.
The work over the next three years culminating in the loss of 67 pounds. Thankful for the weight loss and now gifted with more energy and self-confidence. Everything was starting to change; I was different! My emotional well-being, spirited life, and how I felt about who I saw in the mirror. If I could have this experience, so could anyone else. A new feeling stirring in my gut now had a vision. Share my passion for healing myself by uplifting my fellow sisters. From that moment on, I was all in, I finally knew my purpose, and nothing was going to stop me.
Over the next three decades, I committed to learning everything I could to be of service to my tribe and beyond.
Learning about nutrition, exercise, emotional health, how the body stores emotional and physical trauma, and the vast communication of our connective tissue system, awareness is essential for change, motivational techniques, and spiritual practices to continue the upward trajectory higher-self. Knowing that in my imperfection, I was learning to be compassionate with myself and, in turn, towards others, with an open mind able to see how the healing process is dynamic and unique to each person. One shoe certainly does not fit all. I gifted by being approachable, creative, inventive, loving, accepting while creating safe spaces for my fellow sisters to be vulnerable about intimate health issues. Eventually, I stepped into my own and expanded my calling by being a guest speaker on numerous radio and television shows talking about women’s health issues. A published author and empowerment speaker, understanding that the video medium is the language of our times. Now it’s time for me to help you with YOUR story. I will share all of the beautiful gems I have learned over the past 30 years so you can blossom, reveal your greatness, and shine.
We get sick alone. We heal together.
Everything in my life was flowing until I faced a new physical challenge that was literally stopping me in my tracks. A three-year battle with extremely painful plantar fasciitis. Spending well over three thousand dollars revamping shoes trying to help deal with the pain. Leaning into acupressure, acupuncture, stretch therapy, chiropractic active release technique, and even prolotherapy (ouch!). Leaving no stone unturned and now feeling at the end of my rope. Feeling those same feelings I’d experienced back in my late teens. Unable to exercise like I was accustomed to in the past. Self-doubt slowly seeps its way back into your life. Would I fall back into my old ways? Would I be fat again? Thirty years of healthy living and now finding it difficult to walk across the room. Trying everything to subdue the pain before discovering the FasciaBlaster invention. Committing to a daily practice and before I knew it freed me from the grips of this painful ailment.
With this newfound freedom, my curiosity was soaring. What else could this strange-looking tool do to help my chronic physical and aesthetic trouble spots? Time to explore.
In my teens, experiencing daily lower extremity stagnation and extreme swelling. Leaving me feeling as though someone was blowing me up from the inside, like a balloon. The pain and restriction of movement over the years were getting increasingly worse, like a low hum pounding away until I could no longer handle it. The physical pain was now surfacing at the emotional level. I was reeling from being self-conscious, compromising my social and intimate life. After three years of dedicated use of the FasciaBlaster, I am now feeling youthful, flexible, going weeks without leg swelling, and most importantly, in control of my body. No more sagging knees, less cellulite on the back of my thighs and booty. Looking better at 58 than when I was 53. I was reversing the aging process. This propelled me to understand our connective tissue system and how it holds old stuck energy, emotions, and traumas. I found a great understanding of how we move and think and its effects on how we look. Fascinating!!
Looking back never thinking I’d be able to recapture the subtleness, control, and freedom in my body. I was wrong!
Gratefully filling my cup with compassion and love. My seed has now blossomed into a tree with deep roots and long branches. Answering the call to radically improve the number of joy women experiences in their bodies and lives. You don’t need to look any further. I’m your guide. If you have found me, there is a reason for that. We are supposed to be, and I am honored to have you. I now know that everything in my life was leading perfectly to this next opportunity.
xo TR
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.